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How much do you tip a Hairdresser (or Barber, Hair stylist, etc.)?
In (not set), (not set) ?
Sadly, only 8% said they would tip a Hairdresser (or Barber, Hair stylist, etc.). 787 people tip >25% 1 people tip 25% 588 people tip 20% 195 people tip 10% 7949 people tip 0%
/* The pie chart Start */ ?>
Sadly, only 8% said they would tip a Hairdresser (or Barber, Hair stylist, etc.). 788 people tip >25% 2 people tip 25% 589 people tip 20% 196 people tip 10% 8679 people tip 0%
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We know this becuase you told us!
The data you see here is driven by users like you, answering a simple question on a different website. Do you drink the tap water where you live?
“ I have been using it for a number of years. I use Colorlib for usability testing. It's great for taking images and making clickable image prototypes that do the job and save me the coding time and just the general hassle of hosting. ”
Aigars Silkalns
Ceo Colorlib
“ I use Colorlib for usability testing. It's great for taking images and making clickable image prototypes that do the job and save me the coding time and just the general hassle of hosting. ”
“ I have been using it for a number of years. I use Colorlib for usability testing. It's great for taking images and making clickable image prototypes that do the job.”
“ I have been using it for a number of years. I use Colorlib for usability testing. It's great for taking images and making clickable image prototypes that do the job and save me the coding time and just the general hassle of hosting. ”
Henry smith
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